Shiba Inu is a medium body and very old dogs with sensitive senses, known as the "superior hunting hunting dog" is very common in Japan, is also popular. In fact, this cute dog also has many unexpected Fa "nirvana", will make you surprise. Previously, Shiba Inu often subtly through trees and foliage clump help the owner to hunt, until now, these little guys did not put this skill to put down. Meng's just stupid when they also often passes through walls or vegetation clump themselves stuck. International newspaper group reported

Not long ago, the Internet rumors of a cute Shiba Inu trapped hedge photo, despite deep embarrassing territory, but it seems very relaxed, seemingly for this new style was very satisfied, but also to pedestrians tongue, cute explosion Table.

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停車坐愛楓林晚,葉子紅於二月花,像秋天的水果,喜歡層林盡染群山,站在高高的山頂上,天空晴朗,萬里晴空。 ----題記

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